What Is Token Burning?

Token burning explained

Bitcoin’s scarcity is one of its key features and is often paraded through the enforcement of its hard cap. As per consensus, there will only ever be a maximum of 21 million Bitcoins in circulation, with the last Bitcoin mined roughly 2140. However, the true circulating supply will likely be unknown since we don’t have […]

What Is Shitcoin Exit Liquidity?

shitcoin exit liquidity

We’ve all heard of or even participated in the standard ‘pump-and-dump’ scheme. The premise is simple, ‘dumpers’ create or hold a particular asset, in this case, a token, and use their influence or purchase influence through other personalities or institutions to hype up demand before aggressively. As people hear about the token and the false […]

The 12-Step Shitcoin Recovery Program

shitcoin recovery program

So you got into shitcoining because you heard you could make a lot of money in a short period of time, but it was not a get-rich-quick scheme. Let me guess the person that told you this also told you to invest in some of those coins told you it wasn’t financial advice. You decided […]

What Creates The Crypto Contagion?

Crypto contagion

It’s been a wild ride these last few years, even for the most seasoned bitcoiner. If this is your first bull and bear cycle, I am sure you feel like you’ve experienced a decade’s worth of drama in this last year alone. Bitcoin is infamous for being highly speculative and volatile. When you tack on […]

DAO’s Don’t Make Sense

Doa's don't make sense

Although the next era of the internet hasn’t been defined, pioneers in the bitcoin space are hard at work, building a set of self-sovereign tools for individuals and businesses to operate across borders with either no trust or certain trust assumptions. Even with bitcoin’s immutable layer underpinning these solutions, there are still many hurdles to […]

The Soulbound Token Turns Alts Into CBDCs

Soulbound token is a scam

Bitcoins‘ introduction on the world stage has started the reshape the way we view money, as we now have a decentralised network of programmable money that has a global reach and no single entity to control it. Naturally, this would be a highly disruptive technology due to its vast improvements over the current options and […]

Why VCs Keep Funding New Tokens

VCs love funding tokens

Every time a revolutionary discovery is made, you will find opportunists trying to create cheap knock-offs that prey on unsuspecting consumers and bitcoin is no different. While the bitcoin network aims to bring back a hard money standard and give everyone the chance to save money without custodial risk, you have detractors that want to […]

DEFI Are Underpants Stealing Gnomes Who Learned To Code

DEFI underpants gnomes

When I look at DEFI, every single pitch is entirely out of touch with reality, yet no one seems to question it. All of DEFI can be taken down with a simple question. Where does the profit come from? Ask any DEFI proponent, and they’ll come up with a long, convoluted answer that is a […]

How To Delete Your Celsius Network Account

deleting a celsius account

2017 marked the year many of the big-name centralised lending platforms launched, and the bridge between traditional finance and bitcoin got a little shorter. Services like Celsius, BlockFi, Nexo and many more have grown to considerable sizes over the last five years and have attracted many customers looking to earn a yield on their bitcoin. […]

How Does The Howey Test Apply To Cryptocurrency?

Howey test on shitcoins

The invention of bitcoin took the idea of blockchain, decentralised ledger technology, proof of work, and cryptography and turned it into a brand new asset class. The mining of the genesis block was the day in which cryptographically backed energy money left the theoretical world, leaping from being academic papers to a fully fleshed out […]

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