How To Delete Your Voyager Account

Delete voyager account

2017 marked the year many of the big-name centralised lending platforms launched, and the bridge between traditional finance and bitcoin got a little shorter. These interest-yielding bitcoin accounts and bitcoin loan products aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Still, they do pose a considerable risk, and as we see in a bear market, that risk can […]

The Dangers Of DEFI Loans

Dangers of DEFI loans

We’re currently watching a massive deleveraging in the bitcoin and the larger cryptocurrency market due to the rehypothecation of funds which has seen many funds and CEFI services limit redemptions because they cannot meet their obligations. In contrast, overs have declared bankruptcy and left their customers high and dry. The risk of leaving your bitcoin […]

How To Delete Your Hodlnaut Account

Delete hodlnaut account

2017 marked the year many of the big-name centralised lending platforms launched, and the bridge between traditional finance and bitcoin got a little shorter. Services like Celsius, BlockFi, Nexo and many more have grown to considerable sizes over the last five years and have attracted many customers looking to earn a yield on their bitcoin. […]

How To Delete Your YouHodler Account

Delete YouHolder Account

2017 marked the year many of the big-name centralised lending platforms launched, and the bridge between traditional finance and bitcoin got a little shorter. Services like Celsius, BlockFi, Nexo and many more have grown to considerable sizes over the last five years and have attracted many customers looking to earn a yield on their bitcoin. […]

How To Delete Your Nexo Account

2017 marked the year many of the big-name centralised lending platforms launched, and the bridge between traditional finance and bitcoin got a little shorter. Services like Celsius, BlockFi, Nexo and many more have grown to considerable sizes over the last five years and have attracted many customers looking to earn a yield on their bitcoin. […]

DEFI Are Underpants Stealing Gnomes Who Learned To Code

DEFI underpants gnomes

When I look at DEFI, every single pitch is entirely out of touch with reality, yet no one seems to question it. All of DEFI can be taken down with a simple question. Where does the profit come from? Ask any DEFI proponent, and they’ll come up with a long, convoluted answer that is a […]

How To Delete Your Celsius Network Account

deleting a celsius account

2017 marked the year many of the big-name centralised lending platforms launched, and the bridge between traditional finance and bitcoin got a little shorter. Services like Celsius, BlockFi, Nexo and many more have grown to considerable sizes over the last five years and have attracted many customers looking to earn a yield on their bitcoin. […]

Bitcoin App: Fuji Money

Fuji money Bitcoin App

The idea of DEFI has become synonymous with the altcoin industry, where the creation of synthetic financial products has swept up millions of investors and billions of dollars worth of value. In a bid to attract capital from bitcoin, altcoins have used DEFI to create artificial yield applications where investors can participate in and try […]

Stable Coins Are Still A Shitcoin

stablecoins are still shitcoins

Bitcoin continues to grow from strength to strength, and as it grows, so too does the competition for the monetary premium headed its way. Bitcoin is a black hole for the current misallocation of resources. As it sucks in more and of the worlds purchasing power, we see parasites hanging off it, trying to divert […]

Don’t Be Fooled By DEFI Interest Rates

Fooled by defi interest rates

Bitcoin has migrated from nerd internet money and illicit trade medium to a macro player nearly worth as much as the entire silver market in US dollar terms. The Bitcoin networks ability to take energy and convert it into provable digital scarcity is a breakthrough in financial technology, and naturally, others will want to steal […]

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