What Is A Bitcoin OP_VAULT?
Bitcoin is the first digital-only asset that cannot be duplicated, which is a concept that many people struggle to come to terms with; how can something that only exists as text on a database has value? Let alone be resistant to copying? One way to come to terms with this new form of wealth storage […]
What Are Bitcoin-Backed Mortgages?
Global financial markets have not been kind to those looking to acquire a home on a modest income, as was the idea we were sold by previous generations. Today real estate markets are facing volatility we haven’t seen in years, and many potential homebuyers have decided to put their homeownership plans on hold. Borrowers are […]
Don’t Take Failed Orange Pilling Personally
Bitcoin has been around for fourteen years, and in nearly a decade and a half, it’s been declared dead and a failure over 400 times. Despite all its challenges, bitcoin has remained strong and grown as a network, with a larger user base, brand recognition, hash rate and market cap than years prior. The network, […]
Why Does Bitcoin Have Transaction Fees?
All bitcoin transactions are permanently recorded on the blockchain, maintained with a copy on all full nodes. While recording transactions and keeping an archive of transaction history is handled by the nodes, adding to the chain goes through a different process. Confirming and securing new transactions on the network requires highly specialised computer hardware called […]
What Is A BTC CoinPool?
Every year new users join the bitcoin network, securing their value by creating private and public key pairs and moving UTXOs to wallets where they have signing rights. Each time you perform an on-chain transaction, you compete with everyone else who wants to transact at that time; there can be far more people keen on […]
How Big Is The Bitcoin Blockchain?
The bitcoin blockchain is the foundation for its decentralised and immutable nature, which allows anyone to participate in validating the rules and transaction history of the network. The blockchain or time chain is a distributed, public ledger that contains the history of every bitcoin transaction since the genesis block. The blockchain can be inspected to […]
12 Tips For Keeping Bitcoin On Your Smartphone
The smartphone has replaced many devices, from cameras, voice recorders, and GPS navigation, torches, as well as our primary access point to the internet. They’ve become more than a simple communication device for making calls and sending texts; with bitcoin, a smartphone can be your bank. There’s little rest for your hard-working smartphone. If you’re […]
What Is Erlay?
Over the last decade, bitcoin has grown from an obscure alternative currency into a burgeoning asset class worth multiple billions, even touching as high as 1 trillion US dollars in market cap at one point. A network that holds that level of purchasing power and clears billion in transactions each month will have to face […]
What Is A Bitcoin Deleveraging?
During bitcoin’s last 13 years, we’ve seen three bull markets; these short stints attract a new cohort of investors looking to make money off the repricing of bitcoin. In bull markets, you’ll find the market awash with liquidity; private equity deals get done, bids for mining equipment exceed the ability to produce, second-hand bitcoin mining […]
Why The Bitcoin Price Differs Across Countries
The bitcoin price is probably many people’s first touchpoint with the network and asset; that silly little number sure gets a lot of attention, and many tie themselves to it emotionally. Its price movements affect different people in different ways, with participants using it to make present and future financial calculations based on the figure […]