What Are Liquidity Ads?

Liquidity ads

The Lightning Network, Bitcoin’s highway for fast and cheap payments, thrives on liquidity. But getting that liquidity there can be tricky. Enter liquidity ads, a protocol that empowers nodes to actively advertise their willingness to contribute funds and smooth out the flow of satoshis (Bitcoin’s tiniest units). Imagine you’re running a node on the Lightning Network, a bustling metropolis of […]

Nostr Assets Off To A Rocky Start

Nostr assets rocky start

Nostr, the decentralised social media protocol, has undoubtedly captured the imagination of those who felt stifled by the current selection of social media apps and services. Since the protocol’s launch, the user base has slowly grown. Still, it remains a small fringe community of dedicated account holders who happily provide feedback and test the limits […]

How To Enable Lightning With Green Wallet

Enable Lightning in Green Wallet

If you’re a recent Wallet of Satoshi refugee or looking to start with a Lightning wallet, you’re likely exploring all available options. You’re reading the forum and social media posts, and you’re wondering if Breez or Phoenix is the wallet for me.  When deciding on a Lightning wallet, you need to consider your technical aptitude, […]

Options For Migrating WoS Users

Migrating from WoS

Wallet of Satoshi (WoS) is a popular Bitcoin Lightning wallet provider that has developed quite a user base due to its simplicity and ease of use. This custodial wallet has an easy-to-understand user interface and abstracts all the complexities of Bitcoin.  It is available for free on iOS and Android, and once installed, all you […]

What Are Nostr Assets?

What are nostr assets

Nostr is a decentralised communications protocol that allows people to transfer and share information without relying on large central servers but broadcasting to a series of relays that anyone can spin up. It is censorship-resistant and private, making it a valuable tool for anyone looking to take control of their data, those living in countries […]

Why Most Lightning Users Opt For Custodial Wallets

LN custodial wallets

Bitcoin is all about removing counter-party risk; the fact that you can self-custody with only the need to run software on your device is a revolutionary discovery. When you run a Bitcoin node and generate an offline wallet with a seed phrase, there is no one sitting between you and the monetary network.  You hold […]

How To Use Fiat-Denominated Nostr Zaps

Nostr Fiat Tips

So you’ve heard about nostr, and you really like the idea of a censorship-resistant protocol, and you want to engage with others who hold those same values. Maybe you’re a content creator that is tired of dealing with swapping to different platforms or holding back on what you really want to say because you’re afraid […]

Bitcoin Gaming: Bitcoin Blocks

Bitcoin Gaming - Bitcoin Blocks - The Bitcoin Manual

Puzzles were always a popular way to help pass the time and keep the brain busy but as modern technology has advanced, there has been an explosion of games brought to us through our smartphones. With an ever-increasing assortment to choose from at the touch of a button, all with addictive animations and flashing buttons, […]

What Is An LSP?

Lightning network service provider

The technology creates a secondary network that offers peer-to-peer payments trustlessly, with instant settlement and lower bitcoin transaction fees. But to gain access to all these benefits, you either need to use a custodial service, leverage a trusted node in your friendship, family or community circles or run the entire stack yourself. When it comes […]

What Are eCash Multi-Mint Swaps?

Multi-mint ecash

Onboarding users into bitcoin is no simple task; the average user is simply not ready to handle money in a self-sovereign manner the way on-chain and the Lightning Network demand. To manage your bitcoin safely and privately, you’ll need to run a node and use bitcoin privacy best practices, and this takes time to learn […]

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