What Is An Onion Bomb DoS Attack?

Onion Bomb Attack On Lightning

The Lightning Network, the most popular scaling solution for Bitcoin, has not only created additional transactional capacity but also new business models, but it’s not without its growing pains. Like any system, it’s not without its vulnerabilities; we’ve seen issues that affect the network in the past, such as jamming attacks, replacement cycling attacks, BTCD library bugs, and unattributed […]

The Issue With Stablecoins On Lightning

Issue stablecoins LN

The Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) has emerged as the most promising solution to Bitcoin’s scalability issues. It’s the only layer two offering unilateral exit and multiple implementations that anyone can run on their node without too much hassle. This peer-to-peer network enables faster and cheaper transactions, making it ideal for everyday micropayments.  The Lightning Network lets any […]

What Are Liquidity Ads?

Liquidity ads

The Lightning Network, Bitcoin’s highway for fast and cheap payments, thrives on liquidity. But getting that liquidity there can be tricky. Enter liquidity ads, a protocol that empowers nodes to actively advertise their willingness to contribute funds and smooth out the flow of satoshis (Bitcoin’s tiniest units). Imagine you’re running a node on the Lightning Network, a bustling metropolis of […]

Can You Have NFTs On Bitcoin?

When I started dipping my toes in to Bitcoin and the rest of the shitcoin world at the end of 2017, the buzzword at the time was “ICO” or Initial Coin Offering (or Con offering if you prefer 😉 ). This was where literally anyone could create some random token, offer it up to “early […]

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