Home » Bitcoin Culture » BTC Glossary » Hopium
A word marriage of “hope” and “opium”, hopium is a make-believe drug that keeps you hopeful when things aren’t going your way or times are a little stressful in the market.
Applied to the Bitcoin world, the effects of hopium is often seen with shitcoiners thinking that their coin has any use case and they start shilling it everywhere. We also see the hopium effects with Bitcoin too as “TikTok investors” share their charts and technical analysis which have impossible price predictions.
Hopium addicts often show themselves as moonboys or moongirls. It is a dangerous drug if you are shitcoining but if you’re in Bitcoin, a bit of hopium can go a long way, especially in a bear market!
Hopium is often depicted with Pepe the Frog as a meme.
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