Runes Have Failed To Excite The Degens

Runes have failed

The launch of Runes on block 840,000 was heralded as a revolution for the Bitcoin network. Prior to the launch of Runes, tokens on Bitcoin were the talk of Twitter, despite the blockchain being bogged down by the inefficient meta protocol using ordinal theory to create BRC-20 tokens.  BRC-20 tokens captured the imagination of speculators due to their fair […]

What Is MicroStrategy Orange DID?

MSTR Orange Explained

MicroStrategy, known for its bullish stance on Bitcoin, recently unveiled a new project called MicroStrategy Orange. This isn’t about fruit (although the name is catchy), but rather an orange washing of the Decentralised Identity (DID) play, with MSTR looking to build a platform on the Bitcoin blockchain instead of launching a side-chain or using a side-chain, the data for […]

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