What Is The Spaces Protocol?

Btc spaces protocol

Bitcoin created a phase change in how we see data. Before the beloved orange coin, we saw everything digital as a commodity of unlimited supply, able to always be copied and reproduced in some form. The advent of distributed ledger technology brought about a new way of thinking, and early adopters started to grasp the […]

What Is GroupHug?

What is GroupHug?

Transaction fees on the Bitcoin network can be a real pain point, especially for smaller transactions. We’re not all moving Saylor-sized stacks on-chain where any fee is a rounding error, and for the average pleb, the cost of block space matters. If more people start using Bitcoin regularly, the cohort of fee-sensitive users will also […]

What Is Ark V2?

Ark V2 Explained

Bitcoin’s impact on finance is undeniable; it’s built an entirely new asset class from a grassroots movement, and that growth comes at a cost: block space. The more people onboard to the network, the more likely it becomes that a large cohort of people will want to fit in a block at any one time, […]

What Is A Unilateral Exit?

Unilateral exit explained

Bitcoin operates as a decentralised network, meaning no single entity controls it. Transactions are recorded on a public ledger (blockchain), fostering transparency and trust.  The ledger is maintained by thousands of nodes distributed around the world, making it impossible to change or censor. These attributes resonate with users who value freedom from central banks and […]

What Is Hedgehog?

Hedgehog Layer 2

Super Testnet, a freelance developer focused on Bitcoin and the Lightning Network, is known for developing some rather novel ideas and pushing them out to drive discussion and innovation.  Every so often, the tinkerer pops up with a new proof of concept and leaves some of us scratching our heads as we try to keep […]

What Is Pathcoin?

What is pathcoin?

We’ve all heard of Bitcoin as a digital currency, a revolutionary way to exchange value online. Internet native money used by cartels to launder money, ones and zeros used to purchase drugs via online marketplaces, and digital beanie babies are ideal for somewhere scams. Yes, Bitcoin has been used for those types of transactions, but […]

What Is OP_CAT?

Bitcoin OP-CAT

Bitcoin upgrades are a contentious subject; whenever they are brought up in conversion, as you can rightly imagine, a larger portion of the population joins in and places their monetary value into the network each year. Now that we’re sitting in the trillion-dollar range, making any changes to Bitcoin becomes a monumental task.  You’ll find […]

What Are Inviscriptions?

What are inviscriptions

Bitcoin is marketed by many as a decentralised and censorship-resistant network that is committed to transaction finality. As long as you pay the fees and broadcast your transaction, you will see it added into the next block or a few blocks after that, depending on how busy the network is and how competitive your transaction […]

BitVM Could Enable 2-Way Pegs

BitVM two way pegs

Bitcoin can scale through side chains by offloading transactions to separate blockchains that are linked to the main Bitcoin blockchain. Sidechains allow for faster and more efficient transaction processing, as they do not have to adhere to the same strict consensus rules as the main blockchain. This can help to lower transaction fees and congestion […]

Why Run A Cloud Node With Voltage

Cloud node with Voltage

One of the core tenets of Bitcoin is to avoid trust and always verify. To do this, you should practise self-custody and reduce exposure to intermediaries. While this is the intended use for Bitcoin, the reality is very few people have taken the time to use the asset and the network in a trustless manner. […]

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