Bitcoin Is Not Another Network It’s A Monetary Network

As the Bitcoin network grows, it starts to reach the eyes and ears of a range of people, all of who have their own opinions, and it’s always interesting to see how people rationalise the idea of Bitcoin. It’s always fascinating to hear a different hot take on Bitcoin, so you don’t find yourself in […]
Bitcoin The Asset Versus Bitcoin The Network

Having been sitting and staring at this blockchain thing for as long a time as I have, you start to pick up on a few things that newcomers to the game tend to miss out on. Almost all the talk and headlines are about Bitcoin the asset; Bitcoin the asset refers to the token made […]
What Are The Biggest Threats To Bitcoin

Investing is a personal choice; ever since I got into investing and found my way into crypto, I’ve had to listen to so much advice and read through so much content to get an understanding of how it works and what would be right for me. As someone who makes a living in the technology […]